Community Services

There are a variety of push and pull factors that play into a family's decision to place or keep a child in care. Whether it's due to extreme poverty or the belief that living in a children's home is the only way for their child to get a quality education, the families that we work with all want the best for their children. Our community services enable families to set their children up for a bright future without sending them away from their homes.

Daycare and Preschool

For struggling families – and single mothers in particular – the lack of affordable childcare can cause a spiral into poverty. Without a safe place for their child to go during the day, they are unable to work, and provide a much-needed income for the family. The David Center – our daycare and preschool – provides a safe space and high quality pre-primary education for young children in the area from 6 months old through to school enrollment. With a range of rates – from subsidised scholarships for struggling families through to full cost payments for those who can afford it – the David Center is accessible to all families in the community.

  • 74

    students enrolled since 2019

  • 21

    students supported with full or partial scholarships

Library and Tutoring

The Small Things' onsite community library provides a space where students and adults within our vocational program can attend vital computer and English classes during the week. On the weekend, the library is used as classroom space for our tutoring program, attended by over 150 students from the community who happily give up their Saturday morning to receive extra assistance with study, for free.

  • 200+

    students attend tutoring each week

  • 1000+

    books available in our community library

Vocational Studio

Our vocational studio program provides a space where young adults can upskill in areas that can be turned into a profitable business, including soapmaking, metalwork, jewelry, and sewing. Students of the Vocational Studio also receive training required to operate their own business, such as entrepreneurship, computer and English classes. Together, these programs prepare our graduates to create a sustainable business and future.

  • 37

    current and graduated students

  • 91%

    graduation rate, across 2018 and 2019 classes